Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Town

The second heist movie I've seen in a month.  The previous one of course was Takers.  This one of course is The Town.

Ben Affleck did a good job as the Director of the movie.  Lucky for him that gave him the ability to make himself the main character in the movie which means he gets the beautiful woman.  While comparable to Heat it still didn't quite match up to it.  I don't think one ever will.

With Heat you had amazing performances by all the actors in the movie.  With The Town they were all good but the best performance I would tip my hat to Jeremy Renner.  He played the most convincing thug that followed the rules of the neighborhood.  The same idea behind Steven Seagall's movie Out For Justice.  Not that there's any type of realistic comparison between the two films.

Also in this one they focused on the main criminal's relationship with the women in his life, with Heat it was on all of their relationships with their wives/girlfriends with the main one being on the failing relationship of the main detective.

The only problem I have with the movie is that I feel sympathetic and almost rooting for the criminals, I don't like how they show it as an almost glamorous life as though they're doing something justifiable simply because they grew up in a poor neighborhood.

Other than that it was a good movie.

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