Monday, September 6, 2010

Machete Movie Review

Welcome back to my movie review blog.  Machete.

Finally after appearing in over two hundred movies, including Heat with Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro, Danny Trejo finally gets to play the lead man.  He teams up again with DeNiro again.  He gets all the benefits that go along with it - the biggest of which he gets to hold and kiss the beautiful women Jessica Alba and Michelle Rodriguez.  I always thought he would be good at it, and I wasn't wrong.  At least the playing the lead he was good at, as far as the kissing goes you'll have to ask Jessica and Michelle about that.

The movie was lots of fun to watch, despite the cliche motivation of Machete, wife and daughter killed he goes psycho and mows everyone down.  The difference here is that he didn't do it all single handedly like what you see in a lot of other movies, which made it more realistic.

Steven Seagal as the bad guy was good, probably because he didn't have much screen time in it.  DeNiro, what can I say about him?  I don't recall him ever playing a bad part.  The sign of a good actor he can do anything and make it convincing - he did a good job as the conniving, racist politician.

The action sequences had some of the more fun fight scenes I've ever seen including an entirely original escape scene when he was cornered.

All in all I liked the movie and my verdict is go see it in the theater while you still can.

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