Sunday, September 19, 2010


What can I say?

Other than Shyamalan is back. 

Devil was a fun movie to watch and it is true, according to the movie that "bad things happen for a reason."  The reason won't be revealed here so as not to ruin it for you.

The five people trapped in an elevator, perfect place to trap people and create tension.  No one there knows who the murderer is.

A cop who has a connection to one of them is leading the investigation after the first one gets injured.

The movie had the Shyamalan twist that's out of the blue.  Definitely a fun movie to watch.  Go see it in the theater.

The Town

The second heist movie I've seen in a month.  The previous one of course was Takers.  This one of course is The Town.

Ben Affleck did a good job as the Director of the movie.  Lucky for him that gave him the ability to make himself the main character in the movie which means he gets the beautiful woman.  While comparable to Heat it still didn't quite match up to it.  I don't think one ever will.

With Heat you had amazing performances by all the actors in the movie.  With The Town they were all good but the best performance I would tip my hat to Jeremy Renner.  He played the most convincing thug that followed the rules of the neighborhood.  The same idea behind Steven Seagall's movie Out For Justice.  Not that there's any type of realistic comparison between the two films.

Also in this one they focused on the main criminal's relationship with the women in his life, with Heat it was on all of their relationships with their wives/girlfriends with the main one being on the failing relationship of the main detective.

The only problem I have with the movie is that I feel sympathetic and almost rooting for the criminals, I don't like how they show it as an almost glamorous life as though they're doing something justifiable simply because they grew up in a poor neighborhood.

Other than that it was a good movie.

Monday, September 6, 2010

New Way To Watch Movies

Hello everyone and welcome back again.

For those of you who are not able to get to the theater or rental house but still want to watch movies I have found a way that you can download them online.  Legally download them.  Know more will you have to worry about any viruses destroying your computer.  Nor are you going to have to worry about the cops busting down your door to arrest you for copyright infringement.  Click the link or copy and paste it into your browser to get your software and movies.

Machete Movie Review

Welcome back to my movie review blog.  Machete.

Finally after appearing in over two hundred movies, including Heat with Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro, Danny Trejo finally gets to play the lead man.  He teams up again with DeNiro again.  He gets all the benefits that go along with it - the biggest of which he gets to hold and kiss the beautiful women Jessica Alba and Michelle Rodriguez.  I always thought he would be good at it, and I wasn't wrong.  At least the playing the lead he was good at, as far as the kissing goes you'll have to ask Jessica and Michelle about that.

The movie was lots of fun to watch, despite the cliche motivation of Machete, wife and daughter killed he goes psycho and mows everyone down.  The difference here is that he didn't do it all single handedly like what you see in a lot of other movies, which made it more realistic.

Steven Seagal as the bad guy was good, probably because he didn't have much screen time in it.  DeNiro, what can I say about him?  I don't recall him ever playing a bad part.  The sign of a good actor he can do anything and make it convincing - he did a good job as the conniving, racist politician.

The action sequences had some of the more fun fight scenes I've ever seen including an entirely original escape scene when he was cornered.

All in all I liked the movie and my verdict is go see it in the theater while you still can.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The American Review

Hello and Welcome back.

Today I saw the new George Clooney movie "The American."  The movie about a retiring assasin.

It was not what I expected it to be.  That wasn't an overly bad thing.  I was expecting a real shoot 'em up movie like the Expendables or the Nicolas Cage movie Bangkok Dangerous.  If that's the type of movie you're expecting and want to see, this isn't it.

What it The American is, is a slow moving drama that has George Clooney attempting to leave the murder for hire business.  In each of the two locations he's sent to he falls in love with a woman - the second one being the cliched hooker with the heart of gold.

If you want a high octane action flick don't waste your money and time.  If you want a drama with a character who needs to redeem himself and a love story, definitely go see it.