Friday, November 5, 2010


While not an exciting action packed movie, Conviction starring Hilary Swank as Betty Anne Waters is so far one of the most riveting stories I've seen hit the movie theatres this year.

It follows the true story of how Betty Anne Waters set about on a major life quest to try and exonerate her brother Kenneth Waters for murder.

Won't spoil the ending here for you as I recommend it for the theatre.

It's amazing how often police zero in on one suspect and almost get tunnel vision to the exclusion of any other possibilities, people get rail roaded - witnesses and suspects. 

This is a movie that could be done close to a thousand times - or how many innocent lives get ruined by over zealous police and prosecutors.

How does a murder victim's family trust in a system that so often gets it wrong?

Sorry for the political commentary but these are things to think about.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Red movie review

Hello and welcome back to my blog.

Red - a fun movie, basically an Action/Comedy.  Using one liners similar to how Bond used after whacking people.

The only complaint I would have is that the set up between Willis's character and his love interest in the movie started off a little slow making the movie seemingly drag.  To start an action movie in that manner I didn't think was good.

Other than that the action sequences and shoot'em up scenes were done really good.  And the movie as a whole was entertaining to watch.

Friday, October 8, 2010


A movie about a man, Paul Conroy, taken hostage in Iraq and buried alive for ransom.  As most of you know from watching the trailers.

One of the challenges in a movie like this with one location, see Phone Booth and Rear Window for good examples of this, is how to keep it interesting being in only one location.  With Phone booth and Rear Window there were other actors on the screen.  With Buried, Ryan Reynolds is the only actor you see through much of the movie.  Everyone else was done off screen.

The tension must be kept up, with a deadline, get the money by 9PM or he's left to die.

And wow was this such an amazing job.  Ryan Reynolds was awesome.  You can definitely feel his terror of being in the situation.

A great film, definitely one of my favorites of the year.  A must see movie.  If you liked Phone Booth and Rear Window, you'll love this movie.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Let Me In

Prior to seeing this movie I thought I had my fill of vampire movies.  I was wrong.  Mainly because it wasn't really a movie about vampires.  Or more specifically the vampire character could have been any type of character.

The movie was really about two isolated children, one the age of twelve, one who has been "twelve for a very long time."  They develop a close relationship from their loneliness.

The vampire's isolation is obvious - she can't let anybody know who and what she is.  The boy's isolation from being the small kid bullied in school.

The parts that were old hat for vampire movies is the police are always searching for a serial killer in the area.  And this becomes a problem where you're supposed to root for the characters.  How do you sympathize with a murderer even if their lonely and isolated?

It would be easier to sympathize with a vampire that does everything it can to avoid killing people and instead kills rats or anything else while helping the boy find strength to stand up for himself.

But other than that the movie was good, definitely fun to see in the theater.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


What can I say?

Other than Shyamalan is back. 

Devil was a fun movie to watch and it is true, according to the movie that "bad things happen for a reason."  The reason won't be revealed here so as not to ruin it for you.

The five people trapped in an elevator, perfect place to trap people and create tension.  No one there knows who the murderer is.

A cop who has a connection to one of them is leading the investigation after the first one gets injured.

The movie had the Shyamalan twist that's out of the blue.  Definitely a fun movie to watch.  Go see it in the theater.

The Town

The second heist movie I've seen in a month.  The previous one of course was Takers.  This one of course is The Town.

Ben Affleck did a good job as the Director of the movie.  Lucky for him that gave him the ability to make himself the main character in the movie which means he gets the beautiful woman.  While comparable to Heat it still didn't quite match up to it.  I don't think one ever will.

With Heat you had amazing performances by all the actors in the movie.  With The Town they were all good but the best performance I would tip my hat to Jeremy Renner.  He played the most convincing thug that followed the rules of the neighborhood.  The same idea behind Steven Seagall's movie Out For Justice.  Not that there's any type of realistic comparison between the two films.

Also in this one they focused on the main criminal's relationship with the women in his life, with Heat it was on all of their relationships with their wives/girlfriends with the main one being on the failing relationship of the main detective.

The only problem I have with the movie is that I feel sympathetic and almost rooting for the criminals, I don't like how they show it as an almost glamorous life as though they're doing something justifiable simply because they grew up in a poor neighborhood.

Other than that it was a good movie.

Monday, September 6, 2010

New Way To Watch Movies

Hello everyone and welcome back again.

For those of you who are not able to get to the theater or rental house but still want to watch movies I have found a way that you can download them online.  Legally download them.  Know more will you have to worry about any viruses destroying your computer.  Nor are you going to have to worry about the cops busting down your door to arrest you for copyright infringement.  Click the link or copy and paste it into your browser to get your software and movies.