Friday, November 5, 2010


While not an exciting action packed movie, Conviction starring Hilary Swank as Betty Anne Waters is so far one of the most riveting stories I've seen hit the movie theatres this year.

It follows the true story of how Betty Anne Waters set about on a major life quest to try and exonerate her brother Kenneth Waters for murder.

Won't spoil the ending here for you as I recommend it for the theatre.

It's amazing how often police zero in on one suspect and almost get tunnel vision to the exclusion of any other possibilities, people get rail roaded - witnesses and suspects. 

This is a movie that could be done close to a thousand times - or how many innocent lives get ruined by over zealous police and prosecutors.

How does a murder victim's family trust in a system that so often gets it wrong?

Sorry for the political commentary but these are things to think about.

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