Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Last Exrocism

I'm sure you know what the movie is about.  A priest who does exorcisms.

This was basically a mashup of The Exorcist and The Exorcism of Emily Rose shot in a documentary style similar to District 13.

The child being exorcised actually predicted things that would happen later in the movie.  While not an overly bad movie I would wait until the DVD release before watching it.

Takers Movie Review

Takers, in case you didn't get it from the trailer is a heist movie.

The good - the action squences were good.  Matt Dillon was in the movie and surprise, surprise he did the best job of all the actors in it.

The bad  - it was like Hangover a reworking of a previous movie.  But while Hangover, one of the best and my favourite comedies of all time, was an improvement on The Bachelor Party, Takers was not an improvement on Heat.  It was an inferior movie.  They actually took some dialogue from Heat and used it in the beginning of this movie.  If you'll remember in the first initial armored truck robbery Al Pacino's character said to a subordinate, "check the FBI database for aliases Slick.  You'll get the phone book, do it anyway."

After the first initial bank robbery Matt Dillon's character says to his subordinates "check the contruction area for fingerprints, you'll gte half the city do it anyway."

Matt Dillon while doing a good job was more or less misused as a cliched role again borrowed from Al Pacino's role - the cop with the failing marriage.

Verdict - Wait for the DVD release.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Piranha 3D Movie Review

To review a movie, you have to compare it to others of it genre.  Piranha, compared to othes movies that have animals going around eating people like Jaws, Anaconda, Lake Placid, Deep Blue Sea etc.

I hadn't seen a good movie like that since Jaws.  Or at least not one that I personally liked.  With that I went to this movie expecting it to be bad.  I was wrong. It was actually an enjoyable movie.  Not quite as good as Jaws, but then can anyone really beat that?  It was, however, my favourite of that type of movie since that one.

If you like that type of movie it's definitely one you should see.

the 3D effects were better than other ones I've seen.  In fact when you see movies that show people watching a 3D movie and people actually flinch when something comes at them from the screen, that actually happened to me.  I won't reveal the scene as I don't want to ruin it for you.

And it actually paid homage to Jaws with Richard Dreyfus at the beginning of them movie recreating a scene from Jaws.

Fun, fun, fun.  That's my verdict.

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Expendables Movie Review

Fresh off the heels of his successful continuation of the Rambo and Rocky movie franchises comes Sylvester Stallone's new movie "The Expendables".

The basic premise of the movie was a group of mercenaries get sent to take out a drug lord/general/president/dictator of a fictional South American island country. The guy was basically a patsy for a rogue CIA/FBI agent.

In the process they figure out they are being double crossed and things aren't what they appeared. The character played by Sly after getting a speech from Mickey Rourke's character about how if he had saved a woman's life one time it would have saved what was left of his soul and perhaps redeemed himself partially for the lives he's taken. This gets Sly to go back to the island to save a woman from the drug lords - he's not doing it for money, he's doing it for love.

If you're looking for some great artistic statement, you won't find it. If you enjoy the old style action, shoot em up movies you'll enjoy it. And if you enjoy martial arts fight sequences, lets just say you won't be disappointed. It's got everything the action move fan enjoys. Lots of gun play, explosions, bust'em fist fights and the guy's eye candy - a hot beautiful woman.

Not to mention Sly brought in the best of the best of action movie stars, both new and old - himself, Jet Li, Jason Statham, Dolph Lundgren, Randy Couture, Steve Austin, Rampage Jackson. What more could you ask for in an action movie?

Go see it in the theater.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Inception Review

Hello everyone and welcome back.

It's been awhile since I last posted a movie review, and I apologize but here is my review for Inception.

Quite frankly one of the best movies of the year. The motivation of the main character as played by Leonardo DiCaprio happens to be one of the more unique ones ever done. It kept you guessing until the end why his wife kept showing up in the dreams and why he was damaged the way he is.

It wasn't the typical motivation - make massive amounts of money. Revenge for past wrongs, father save daughter/son, husband save wife that has been done numerous times over and over again.

And like other reviews said don't blink. Definitely a go see in the theater, and IMAX screen if possible.