Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Book of Eli Review

The Book of Eli
In a word - awesome.
I can't remember a single movie that Denzel Washington has done where he was ever bad. That says something. Despite the fact that this sort of thing has been done - the lone traveller in a post apocalyptic world - it was done extremely well. I didn't get the feeling that I was watching another take on The Road Warrior - even though it was.
Definitely an entertaining movie to watch and a recommendation to go see in theater.
While it did have a religious theme to it - normally I don't like that - it wasn't rammed down your throat like it normally is. And you didn't really see that until towards the end.
As far as post melt down movies go (a la Mad Max), definitely one of the better ones - probably because of Denzel. Resolutely destroys Waterworld and The Postman.
That's my review.

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